Restoring Character Homes

Restoring Character Homes

Restoring the character wood elements in a historic Wolseley home requires a blend of careful craftsmanship, respect for the home’s history, and attention to detail. Wolseley’s century-old homes often feature exquisite woodwork, from trim and molding to doors and...
A personal note from Jason

A personal note from Jason

I wanted to write a quick personal note of thanks (given the Thanksgiving season), as I am now a few months into my fifth year as a full-time business owner and real estate agent/investor.   Jeremy, one of my good friends, told me when I started this journey that my...
The Advantages of Winter Renovations

The Advantages of Winter Renovations

Still thinking about that renovation? Renovating in the winter has several advantages:   Contractor availability: Winter is the off-season for many contractors, so you may find it easier to schedule and negotiate better rates. Faster project completion: Contractors...