
A personal note from Jason


I wanted to write a quick personal note of thanks (given the Thanksgiving season), as I am now a few months into my fifth year as a full-time business owner and real estate agent/investor.  

Jeremy, one of my good friends, told me when I started this journey that my only regret may be that I didn’t try this sooner… and I think he may be right.

We have now grown from one to three full-time professional painters at Sustainable Painters, and we have the privilege of working with some amazing builders that are striving towards our shared values of building quality, sustainable homes for our residential clients. We couldn’t be happier with these partnerships, and are grateful for their continued trust and support.

Secondly, on the real-estate side of our business, we are quickly finding our niche. Certainly, when we started I was happy to take any business in any direction to keep us going. Now, we are learning that the type of real estate that gets us truly excited about our day is the business of finding unrealized potential in homes or land.  

With our team of designers, renovators, and builders, we are continually on the lookout for houses that can use our love, or land that can be repurposed in a meaningful way.

Side note: Please stay tuned for our upcoming renovation project on Assiniboine Crescent (pictured below). Our team and I sincerely thank you.



The Sustainable Painters team